Florida HB 349 would be detrimental to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary natural environment, inhibit ongoing restoration efforts, and greatly reduce the estuary’s intrinsic economic and recreational value to the community.

Indian River Lagoon Roundtable Opposes Florida HB 349

House Bill 349 would:

  • Create Submerged Land Mitigation Banks to offset the “unavoidable” loss of natural resources due to development.
  • Allow developers to purchase submerged land elsewhere in the state in exchange for mitigation credits needed to infill and develop land lying beneath the IRL waterbody.
  • Allow docks less than 65′ in length to be built without a permit.
  • Require an overworked Department of Environmental Protection to create and adopt submerged land mitigation rules by June of 2023.

Contact your representatives to oppose Florida HB 349!

Florida House Bill 349 Opposition

Florida House Bill 349 Opposition

Contact your state representatives to oppose Florida HB 349!

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