Indian River Lagoon Round Table is a nonpartisan, non-affiliated grassroots organization that unifies and amplifies the voices of all citizen environmentalists.
IRL Round Table uses a virtual platform to discover and explore environmental issues that are not addressed by existing organizations, but may have an adverse effect on the Indian River Lagoon and, therefore, should be considered for the benefit of all.
IRL Round Table Cornerstones
- Recognize that some IRL issues are not adequately addressed by existing organizations.
- Research emerging and unexplored IRL issues and determine the need for action.
- React by informing the community, encouraging action and effecting change.
- Restore the IRL by supporting science and enhancing existing management plans.
IRL Round Table Objectives
- Provide the Indian River Lagoon and its stakeholders with a powerful, unified voice that will result in actions that resolve heretofore unaddressed issues.
- Undertake politically charged or unpopular issues that are off-limits to organizations.
- Support existing restoration programs.
- Provide an information clearinghouse for the environmental issues we explore.
Indian River Lagoon Round Table Topics
- Space and the IRL National Estuary
- Spaceport Development
- Environmental Impact
- Legacy Remediation
- Flow Obstructions
- Causeways
- Impoundments
- Land Management
- Resiliency
- Low Impact Development
- Wetland Mitigation
- Shoreline Restoration
- Sea marsh Restoration
- Pollution
- Wastewater
- Stormwater
- Fertilizer and Herbicides
- North IRL Manatee Mortality